Palmyra Palm Plant
Palmyra Fruit is a tall, single-stemmed evergreen palm tree that can grow about 20–30 m tall and the trunk may have a circumference of 1.7 m at the base. The trunk is tall going up to a height of 30 meter. It is strong, cylindrical and black in color, with a circumference of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 meter at the base and approximately 1 meter at middle and tail parts. The hard outer wood of the trunk is used as pillars, furniture and supporting tool for kutcha houses.
Health Benefits of Palmyra Fruit
Being rich in minerals and vitamins, sugar palm fruits are a healthy option for people on diet or suffering from diabetes. It is a rich source of vitamins B and C, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, and riboflavin. Listed below are few of the popular health benefits of Palmyra Fruit
1. Helps relieve digestive problems
2. Helps relieve skin related problems
3. Cools the Body
4. Helps Reduce Weight
5. Heals Migraines
6. Prevention of Diabetes
7. Home Remedy for Many Ailments
8. Rich in Phyto nutrients
Traditional uses and benefits of Palmyra Fruit
- There are innumerable medicinal uses for all parts of the Palmyra palm in traditional local medicine.
- Young plant is said to relieve biliousness, dysentery, and gonorrhea.
- Young roots are reported to be diuretic and anthelmintic, and a decoction is given in certain respiratory diseases.
- Ash of the spadix is taken to relieve heartburn and enlarged spleen and liver.
- Bark decoction, with salt, is used as a mouth wash, and charcoal made of the bark serves as a dentifrice.
- Sap from the flower stalk is prized as a tonic, diuretic, stimulant, laxative and anti-phlegmatic and amoebicide.
- Sugar made from this sap is said to counteract poisoning, and it is prescribed in liver disorders.
- Candied, it is a remedy for coughs and various pulmonary complaints.
- Fresh toddy, heated to promote fermentation, is bandaged onto all kinds of ulcers.
- The cabbage, leaf petioles, and dried male flower spikes all have diuretic activity.
- Pulp of the mature fruit relieves dermatitis.
- Decoction is given in certain respiratory diseases.
- Dried roots can also be smoked to heal nasal complaints.
- Ash of the flower is taken to relieve heartburn and enlarged spleen and liver.
- Bark decoction, with salt, is used as a mouth wash.
- Charcoal made of the bark serves as a dentifrice.
- Sugar made from this sap is said to counteract poisoning and it is prescribed in the treatment of liver disorders.
- It is also useful as an anti-inflammatory and for dropsy and gastric conditions.
- It also has potential immune-suppressive action.
- Root is pounded and a paste is prepared adding rice water. This paste is consumed in a dose of 5-6 g to treat diarrhea.
- The paste can also be rubbed over the navel region to treat diarrhea.
- Gargling with the decoction of the tree bark along with pinch of salt is used to treat gingivitis and oral ulcers.
- Jaggery prepared from the juice is used as a good tonic to strengthen the uterine muscles in post-partum women.
- Juice of the leaf stalks and young root is good for gastric catarrh and hiccough.
- Milky fluid from the immature seeds is sweet and cooling and prevents hiccups and sickness.